Monika Werkstatt

WE DID IT – The Monika Werkstatt Session is produced, pressed up and shipped to the shops!

Werkstatt Artists: AGF, Barbara Morgenstern, Beate Bartel, Danielle de Picciotto, Gudrun Gut, Islaja, Lucrecia Dalt, Pilocka Krach, Sonae
Special Werkstatt Guest on Air: Natalie Beridze.

“From a melange of ambience, improvisation and song we are treated to a double album that features 25 shining stars. Keeping to their motto of total freedom, the range of styles and sounds are very diverse……Try as you might, you’ll not be able to second guess a moment of „Monika Werkstatt“. By giving everyone, both group and individual, freedom of creativity these musicians have really charted new territory.” Thomas Venker